Sunday, August 05, 2007

Sparks fly

After Mitch got back from his tennis tournament in the evening, we went out for dinner and then returned to the hotel to plan our evening. There was a leather event of some sort at the Pumpjack, and I anticipated a chance to wear my harness and newly purchased chain mail codpiece. But we were both pretty tired, and I had already made a round of the bars alone the night before. So we ended up staying in.

One advantage of that choice was the fireworks competition held over English Bay and the fact that (surprise!) our room on the 14th floor (actually the 13th, but who's counting?) had a view of the show. In fact, we were able to see the entire event through the window while lying in bed! We didn't even have to move out of our comfy spooning position. I must say it was the most relaxing way I've ever watched fireworks in my life.

After the show we simply drifted off to sleep, still snuggling. I haven't been sleeping well the last couple of months, so the long, long sleep we both enjoyed was much appreciated.

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