Monday, May 14, 2007

Gays and Nudism

Andrew Martinez
My LiveJournal friend Tim1965 has brought to our attention a recent article on recent trends in nudism in America, a topic dear to my heart. He then adds some thoughtful comments of his own on gay nudism, which you can read on his blog. Tim also included this portrait of Andrew Martinez, one of my personal heroes, who gained national attention in the 1980s for attending school and walking around the Berkeley campus completely naked.

Surprisingly, Tim1965 omits mention of any of the gay nudist organizations, so here is a link to Gay Naturists International, for good measure. And of course, if you're looking for a gay nudist organization in your part of the world, there's no better directory than Spike's Naked Planet.

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Monday, Monday

Another work week has begun, but at least Monday is over. I'm leaving my office building, shown here.