Thursday, May 24, 2007

Shirtless liberation in Chicago

Top: Shirtless in Chicago's Palmer House Hilton.

Below: IML takes over the hotel.

This is our first full day of our Chicago vacation, where we will mostly be attending International Mr. Leather contest (IML) and its many activities. Vacations often bring out my exhibitionist tendencies and I suggested we strike a blow for "shirtless liberation" by going shirtless every time we rode the elevator or walked through the lobby of the Palmer House Hilton hotel. Though not really his thing, my bf isn't shy and agreed.

We only got as far as the hotel mezzanine, when some leatherman, sitting at a table apparently staffed with a welcoming committee, suggested we were underdressed. "They may ask you to wear your shirts since it's before 10 p.m.," he told us. WTF!? We can't be shirtless before 10 p.m.? What kind of insane request is that?

It's all the more ridiculous when you consider that the entire hotel is being reserved by leathermen for IML. In fact, as we later learned from the sign in the photo, the hotel is closed to the general public until Tuesday. Was he unaware of this fact?

Perhaps. IML activities didn't officially start until later that day. Still, his suggestion was outrageous. There is nothing shameful about the human body and we were only stripped to the waist. I have walked half naked through the Salt Lake City Public Library without anyone raising the slightest objection (although a few did give me dirty looks). This guy had clearly bought into societal body oppression and was now oppressing himself and others (or trying to). We ignored him.

It was a sad moment, but all the more reason men (and women!) who like to go shirtless need to do so more often in order desensitize people to the sight of skin and gradually change societal norms.

Later at the IML opening ceremonies, we got the official scoop: Due to city ordinance, partipants were asked to keep their butts covered during daylight hours. No mention of shirtlessness whatsoever. This is still not the ideal a naturist like me would like to see, but is definitely a much more rational request, given current laws.

I have written on the topic of shirtless liberation before (and will again), but rather than make you dig through my journal to find it, I will simply provide again to a good link on the subject of the shirtless lifestyle: Shirtless Men World.

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